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Garment Manufacturers in America?

Do garment manufacturing companies continue to exist in America or have they all packed up and moved offshore?
The sad truth is most have gone not out of desire to leave but many were forced to seek shelter where operating costs
were lower in their quest to survive.
Long known for setting the bar for quality craftmanship, American manufacturers are a dying breed and aside from rising labor and materials costs there is one thing we can blame for our country's losses...
Americans do not buy American products.  

In that statement we also can realize a solution to our economic woes. Buy locally made products, services and goods and help rebuild our country's economy. If consumers continue to buy cheap imported goods our economy will continue to stumble.  Around the corner is our day set aside to celebrate American Independence so let's each pledge to do our part to support American made products by looking for the Made in USA label on garments and other goods. Show your allegiance and buy better quality goods even if you spend a few dollars more.

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